We made the drive out there only to find it's gates closed. I read later that they closed for the "wet season" which I find extremely funny since we have had no rain!
Anyway, we drove around the area for a while, just checking things out. The picture below shows what our ground is really like here in South Florida.
The gray lumps are rocks...oolitic limestone, I believe. That's why it is SO damn hard to dig holes down here...so very, very hard.
Looking across the sawgrass, you don't see the rocks. It seems like it would be easy to trek across the prairie, but it's not.
Things are so dry out there right now. Gator holes have been reduced to little mud pits, and eventhough there is a small canal that runs along the road in front of Chekika, we only saw one small gator. I expected to see many more since that is the only water around. Maybe they were just hanging out on the bottom where it's cooler?
I've always wanted to go to Chekika! Chris said he went twice when he was down that way for work. He said it was boring. Nothing there really, just a boardwalk. I wish there was more access to ENP.
It is very dry right now. No wonder the fire is still burning.
As for the gators, I don't know where they go other than the really large canals. I'd hate to swim across Tamiami Canal!
The highlight of my weekend was checking out at Ace. I bought a chastetree that was marked $19.99 and the computer rang it up at $8.99. WooHoo! I thought Duller and I would have supper at TGI Friday on Friday, but there was some college event going on and every place in town was overflowing. So we grabbed a few things at Publix and ran through Sonic... whoop-dee-doo. (΅¿΅)
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