You can take the GRITS out of Florida, but you can't take Florida out of the GRITS!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmastime in the Gables - Seeing Santa for the first time!

Tonight was very special. Aidan got to see Santa for the first time! He was so cute. He walked right up to the big man, reached into his pocket and pulled out a note he'd written earlier today. It went something like this..."SANTA. LOTS OF TOYS. GO CART. AIDAN :)" Of course Santa opened the note and read it out loud, and told Aidan that he had "Three bags of toys" for him in his sleigh!

OMG, Santa! C'mon...Here is my letter to you: "Dear Santa, Since you told my little one that you have 3 bags of toys for him, I am requesting financial backing asap so that I may go out and fullfill your statement, otherwise I will be facing a zillion questions and ultimately heartbreak at not being able to purchase enough toys to fill 3 bags. Next year, watch your mouth, Oh Most Jolly Rotund One". Sincerely, a slightly po'ed Mom.

Aidan had a great time climbing on the igloos and sleds that the City of Coral Gables had set up.

Lots of kids and lots of lights. They even had snow! (FYI for any non-Floridians reading this...our "snow" is nice, white sand brought in and spread out over the grass. Better that that northern wet mushy stuff)

The big, beautiful fake tree set up in front of city hall. The picture doesn't do it justice. Very pretty.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! :) heheheh! We saw several gators at the strand yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...too cute. We havent been out caching in forever it seems. Holidays sort of consumed us. Aggghh. :)