You can take the GRITS out of Florida, but you can't take Florida out of the GRITS!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun Monday~ Your "Space"

Gattina, despite her Writer's Cramps is our FM hostess this week. She wants to see all of our writing/blogging spaces.

So, here ya go....

This is my computer. The hub of my blogging and all-around time wasting.

Yes, that is a pink flamingo. I wasn't supposed to keep it, but somehow, did.

Leaning on my paper shredder is a post card from Alaska, sent to me from my cross-country, geocaching, blogging friends Marc and Eliana.

Below is my keyboard, in case you want to see where such brilliance is typed out for your viewing pleasure. *ahem*

And this is where my butt is perched while said brilliance is being typed. ain't comfortable. I gotta get a new chair. If you know of one, let me know!

If I turn my head to the right, this is what I see, right next to my computer:

A Key Deer skull, The Beatles first album (framed, of course), a stuffed rattlesnake head (gag gift from my sister), and it is hanging from a framed certificate that was given to my Dad for catching rattllesnakes during WWII for the "war effort". I love that thing. He was only 12 years old and was out catching rattlers! Amazing... anyway, next to the Beatles is a little carved guy from Alaska, carved bears from Canada, and various odds and ends. I am a great collector of odds and ends.

The globe on top of my desk is usually stopped with Australia facing me. One day I'll go there!

An overall view. Yes, the computer is sitting on top of the desk. Why? Because it makes it that much harder for my four year old to turn it off and on!

Well, that's my "time wasting, blogging, email-reading, book mooching, geocaching, plurking, andwhateverelse" place. Now, check out the rest of the Fun Monday crew and see what their's looks like!


Hootin Anni said...

Ya know, the brick paneled wall is terrific. I will NOT show this photo to my husband, I will not...or he'd want to do it. I just know he'd love that. LOL

I like your blogging world!!!

My blogging room is shared with photos on my Monday blog, stop by if you can. Last one there is a 'rotten egg'!!!

SwampAngel65 said...

OH no! I HATE that damn brick panel! It's just in an awkward place to redo and I haven't been too inspired to try it yet. Ugh, ugh, uggggglllyyyy! please tell me you weren't serious, Annie!

Ingrid said...

You really are a bad and cruel mother not to let your 4 year old kid play with your computer ! Maybe he/she trains to be the next Bill Gates, lol ! and you would become rich !!
I love the furniture and the little place your created it looks so cosy and practical !

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great blogging spot! Love the storm trooper ;0)

Anonymous said...

love the place - yes my 5 yr old niece is a terror with the computer she even worked out the password!! Hopefully when my office is complete is will look as cosy as yours, take care, Judyx

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

It looks like quite a cozy place to blog. :)

IamwhoIam said...

Hey where is the 4yr there is alway a 4yr at the computer.

And you just don't get the same vib unless you know that in the room is a Pooltable and a bar.

Parnelley Jones-Smith (aka Par, Stink Bottom, or Joners)

SwampAngel65 said...

Yes, the room is not really a place for a computer and desk, but it's the only place I can put it. When I took the pictures, the 4 YO was watching Nickelodeon. He spends plenty of time on it, but I have to watch him closely...he has done some weird things to it.

Yup, there is a pool table behind it and a bar to the left. The pool table usually has crap piled on it and the bar is a gigantic dust catcher. Heck, my whole house is a humongous dust bunny!

Mary said...

You have a very cozy little corner to do your blogging and I can understand you putting your computer tower on the top of your desk out of the reach of little hands.

Enjoyed my visit.


Woodlandmama said...

Aren't key deer endangered? When my I was about 12, my sister went through a Georgia O'Keefe phase and put a cow skull in our bedroom. It gave me nightmares.

eastcoastlife said...

oooo... everything in one spot! That's cool! I should learn from you.

What a great meme... I'm learning so much from all the participants.

Sayre said...

You have a four year old and yet your computer space is so NEAT! HOW, HOW, HOW do you do that????

storyteller said...

How fun to see your ‘well organized’ blogging space. One day I HOPE to be less ‘cluttered’ … one day. Mine’s up at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

ChrisB said...

You are very neat and organised. Don't go and visit me you will be shocked!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Wow, that all looks very organized and comfortable. You definitely need a new chair though or you'll hurt your back.

Unknown said...

You have a great, expansive, neat area in which to blog! Neat freak! ;)

Alison said...

you have a very nice space, but you definitely need a new chair!!

Faye said...

Your blogspot reveals a woman of many varied interests. It's a good thing your chair is not comfortable or you'd never leave this spot. And, I'll bite(get it?) what's the connection between rattlesnake hunting and the war effort?

JG said...

Did you clean this up just for the pictures? If not, please share your tips for such an organized workspace...I envy it

marcandeliana said...

Good working space and extra-cool postcard! We've been seeing those eskimo carvings everywhere in alaska! What's yours made out of?