The theme from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" is playing in the background....

Several times the one on top would actually throw the other off the tree. But that never stopped him. He kept climbing right back up for more.

I didn't stick around to see if this was a duel to the death. It was a heated battle, though.

Making a dump run the other day, we passed this Screw Pine. Such a funky-weird tree.

And what was waiting for us at the Dump, but two of the most beautiful birds in the world! Weird, huh? Peacocks tend to roam wild in several neighborhoods down here.
You mean The Ecstacy of Gold by Ennio Morricone (also covered by Metallica).
If you go to Amelia Earhart park sometime, you will see lots of those big lizards running around on the trees. They used to be very common in Miami, but not so much anymore!
You Florida people have it good. Neat flora, lizards and birds! I am so jealous. . .if not for the weather.
Your pictures of the lizards are so good. Not like the ones I published today (taken at night is my excuse!).
Peacocks are lovely to look at but they can be so noisy.
Thanks, Spiderman...I didn't know Metallica did a cover of that! I'll have to check it out. BTW, those lizards are just brown anoles, native of Cuba. They are extremely prolific here.
Lisa, you have some pretty cool stuff in Cheeseland from what I can tell of your pictures! And no, we don't get snow (usually, anyway) but the hot, humid summers are hell! And hurricanes??? Up to a Cat 3 is fine with me. Some people say Cat 2. But after Andrew, a Cat 3 is fine..I actually love a good storm.
Chris, I am going to check your site right now and I bet your pics are great!
Back in the '80's when I lived in Miami I remember that (former Atty. General)Janet Reno and her mother kept peacocks in their yard and they were the subject of numerous noise complaints. It was kind of embarrassing cause she was the State Attorney for Dade County at the time.(JG)
Hey JG! Ya know, Janet still lives in that same house! Say what you want, but I have alot of respect for that woman. The peacocks are noisier than hell, but they are everywhere! I had one here at work one day and how did I know it was there? Did I spot it? Nope, I heard it's scary yelling! At least once you know that's what's making that noise, it's not so bad. But it's still LOUD.
Oh, great pictures! I love that weird tree.
Right after we moved to Miami I was driving down the road and a peacock stepped up onto the sidewalk. It was the coolest thing and we don't have any of them up here so I thought I'd moved to heaven. And then one came to live in our yard and I decided pretty quick that peacocks don't equal heaven LOL That screw pine is so pretty. Are those pinecones? They almost look like a fruit.
Right after we moved to Miami I was driving down the road and a peacock stepped up onto the sidewalk. It was the coolest thing and we don't have any of them up here so I thought I'd moved to heaven. And then one came to live in our yard and I decided pretty quick that peacocks don't equal heaven LOL That screw pine is so pretty. Are those pinecones? They almost look like a fruit.
Cool lizard pics! Ya almost hope they do kill each other, doncha? I watched 2 greenies go at it one day. Eventually, they both seemed to just lose interest and went their separate ways.
Haven't seen a screw (not really a) pine in ages. Did you get a shot of the roots?
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